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Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP)


It is the policy of the Company to maintain a safe and healthful work environment for each employee and to comply with all applicable occupational health and safety regulations. The Company's Injury and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP) is intended to establish a framework for identifying and correcting workplace hazards within the Company, while addressing legal requirements for a formal, written IIPP.


The Safety and Health Manager has primary authority and responsibility to ensure Company implementation of the IIPP and to ensure the health and safety of the Company's employees. This is accomplished by communicating the Company's emphasis on health and safety, analyzing work procedures for hazard identification and correction, ensuring regular workplace inspections, providing health and safety training, and encouraging prompt employee reporting of health and safety concerns without fear of reprisal.

The Safety and Health Manager has responsibility for:

The Safety and Health Manager may seek assistance from any member of the Company as necessary to meet these responsibilities.

The Safety Committee has the ongoing responsibility to maintain and update this IIPP, to assess Company compliance with applicable regulations and policies, to evaluate reports of unsafe conditions, and to coordinate any necessary corrective actions. The Safety Committee meets at least quarterly and will be composed of rank and file employees. Each employee has a designated representative on the committee.

Timely correction of workplace hazards will be tracked by the Safety Committee which will receive and review reports of unsafe conditions, workplace inspection reports, and injury reports. Specifically, the Safety Committee will:

The Safety Committee can seek assistance in the remediation of a hazard from any source it deems necessary and prudent.

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